Cluster 1 Day 5 Consolidation

  1. 5. Our hardship program is call?
  2. 8. Missing or incorrect mobile numbers, once corrected we send a whot?
  3. 10. Someone authorised on an account is called a .... person?
  4. 12. The traffic lights in SAP next to the mobile and email are called?
  5. 13. What is the resource with the newspaper icon in KIT called?
  1. 1. Accounts with a Code Word, you will need to transfer to Res+...?
  2. 2. What is the compliance elearn for internet protection called?
  3. 3. What is Qi's English name?
  4. 4. AGL deals in retail and ...?
  5. 6. What team does Elizabeth support in the Rugby?
  6. 7. Who takes care of the poles and wires in the electricity network?
  7. 9. BPP stands for Best ..... Procedure?
  8. 11. What is the name of Caitlyn's dog?