Coastal Environments - Management

  1. 2. ____________ are usually built along the front of cliffs to protect settlements or another land of high economic importance.
  2. 3. The type of coastal management that involves building artificial structures but takes a more sustainable and natural approach to managing the coast.
  3. 6. These are often large boulders placed along the base of a cliff to absorb energy from waves and to reduce backwash by encouraging percolation.
  4. 9. Traditionally these have been wooden slatted barriers constructed towards the rear of beaches to protect the base of cliffs.
  5. 10. ________ regeneration involves taking action to build up dunes and increase vegetation.
  6. 11. There are wire-mesh cages filled with pebbles or rocks. They are placed at the back of sandy beaches and absorb wave energy.
  1. 1. The type of coastal management that involves building artificial structures which try to control natural processes.
  2. 4. ____________ are wooden barriers constructed at right angles to the beach to retain the material.
  3. 5. Beach _________ involves making beaches higher and wider by importing sand and shingle to an area affected by longshore drift.
  4. 7. Beach ______________ involves redistributing sediment from the lower part of the beach to the upper part of the beach.
  5. 8. Managed ___________ is when areas of the coast are allowed to erode. This is usually in areas where the land is of low value.