Coasts - Coastal Processes

  1. 6. The processes of material being moved by the sea.
  2. 8. The coastal process that transports dissolved material.
  3. 9. The zig-zag movement of material along the coast by waves.
  4. 11. Also known as the sand paper effect, this process involves material being carried by waves wearing away cliffs.
  5. 12. The erosional process involving acidic water dissolving rocks such as chalk and limestone.
  1. 1. The process of material being dropped by the sea.
  2. 2. This process of erosion involves material bumping into each other, causing it to become smaller, smoother and more rounded.
  3. 3. The force of water hitting cliffs, forcing water into cracks in the bedrock.
  4. 4. The coastal process that transports material by rolling it along the sea bed.
  5. 5. The coastal process that transports material by bouncing it along the sea bed.
  6. 7. The coastal process that transports material within the water.
  7. 10. The wearing away of the coastline by the sea.