Code Red

  1. 1. E can represent either extinguish the fire using a portable fire extinguisher or _______.
  2. 4. A ____ extinguisher (A) is to be used on ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper and trash.
  3. 7. A ______ extinguisher (ABC) is to be used on almost any type of fire encountered in a hospital setting.
  4. 11. ____ back and forth at the base of the flame until the fire is extinguished.
  5. 12. _____ the spread of smoke/fire by closing all doors within the department.
  6. 13. Make sure you have a clear ____ from the area, do not allow yourself to get backed into a room.
  1. 1. Do not permit anyone to use the ______ in the area of the Code Red.
  2. 2. A _____ dioxide extinguisher (BC) is to be used on flammable liquids, gases, or electrical equipment.
  3. 3. _____ consists of three activities: call aloud “Code Red” three times to alert others in the area of the situation; Pull the nearest fire alarm pull station to activate fire alarm system; Call to report providing your name, exact location of the fire, and extent of the smoke/fire conditions.
  4. 5. ___ the nozzle at the base of the flame.
  5. 6. ____ the pin at the top of the extinguisher
  6. 8. To provide for the ______ of life and property when fire and/or smoke conditions exist.
  7. 9. ____ any person in immediate danger.
  8. 10. Only attempt to ____ a fire if it is small and contained.
  9. 11. ___ the handle to release the contents of the extinguisher.