Cognitive Load Theory - J King CED505

  1. 2. acronym for Cognitive Load Theory
  2. 4. a learning effect focusing on given data facilitating learning with low cognitive load
  3. 7. memory which holds vast amounts of complex data
  4. 9. the cognitive load type that is a distraction from the learning process
  5. 10. the cognitive load type occurring in working memory which cannot be altered by instruction
  6. 12. Australian psychologist best known for developing Cognitive Load Theory
  7. 13. memory with a limited capacity and duration
  8. 14. complex patterns of information stored in long-term memory
  1. 1. the cognitive load type that supports development of schema in long term memory
  2. 2. combining a large set of elements into a smaller number of groups
  3. 3. a learning effect presenting words as speech rather than online text
  4. 5. the ability to perform tasks without concentration
  5. 6. analysis based on reducing differences between problem givens and the goal
  6. 8. storage of knowledge into long term memory
  7. 11. memory used to comprehend visual and auditory information