  1. 4. Juxtapose two nouns in a way that positively asserts their similarities while not disconfirming dissimilarities
  2. 6. Plays an important role in anger and aggression
  3. 7. Occurs when an individual first learns one language and then another
  4. 9. Speed and accuracy of abstract reasoning, especially for novel problems
  5. 11. Elements of a second language replace elements of the first language
  6. 12. Capacity to learn from experience, using metacognitive processes to enhance learning, and the ability to adapt the surrounding environment.
  7. 13. Detailed studies of cognitive performance in everyday situations and nonlaboratory contexts
  8. 20. Similar to metaphors, except that they introduce the words "like" or "as" into the comparison
  9. 21. Intelligence used in understanding one's self
  10. 22. People's understanding and control of their own thinking processes
  11. 24. characteristic patterns across languages of various cultures
  12. 26. Intelligence used in solving math problems and in logical reasoning
  13. 28. Speaker uses a language element that was appropriate earlier in the sentence but is not appropriate later on
  14. 30. Accumulated knowledge and vocabulary
  15. 32. From Greek, which means "seahorse"; plays an important role in memory formation
  16. 33. Study of how people use language
  17. 34. Hypothesis that suggests that the two languages are represented somehow in separate systems of the mind
  18. 35. Regional variety of a language distinguished by features such as vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation
  19. 36. People who can speak only one language
  1. 1. Intelligence used in singing a song, composing a sonata, or playing instruments
  2. 2. Speaker substitutes one language element for another
  3. 3. Intelligence used in understanding patterns in nature
  4. 5. Intelligence used in getting from one place to another
  5. 7. Occurs when a child learns two languages from birth
  6. 8. The assertion that the speakers of different languages have differing cognitive systems that influence the ways in which people speak various languages
  7. 10. A second language is required in addition to a relatively well-developed first language
  8. 11. Hypothesis that suggests that the two languages are represented in just one system
  9. 14. Intelligence used in relating to other people
  10. 15. Used to describe a person's ability to adapt to a variety of challenges in diverse cultures
  11. 16. He proposed the theory of multiple intelligences
  12. 17. Individual's own account of cocgnitive processes
  13. 18. "We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation."
  14. 19. A statement regarding the speaker's psychological state
  15. 23. Important to emotion, motivation, memory and learning
  16. 25. People who can speak two languages
  17. 26. Intelligence used in reading a book, writing poems, or novels, and understanding spoken words
  18. 27. One word is replaced by another that is familiar in sound but different in meaning
  19. 29. People who speak two or more languages
  20. 30. In-depth study of individuals
  21. 31. He proposed the triarchic theory of intelligence