Cold War

  1. 2. agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation
  2. 4. The crisis started on June 24, 1948, when Soviet forces blockaded railroads and water access to allied controlled area of Berlin.
  3. 6. president that was assassinated
  4. 7. was broken up into zones
  5. 8. was growing in eastern europe during the end of the cold war
  6. 9. aimed at preventing the spread of communism
  7. 12. soviet union created an alliance of communist nationsit controlled in eastern europe
  8. 13. This crisis showed the world that nuclear war was a real possibility.
  9. 14. A period of conflict and tension between USA & Soviet Union
  1. 1. a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War
  2. 3. Invasion attempt to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba.
  3. 5. referring to the division between western Europe and eastern Europe
  4. 8. north atlantic treaty organization
  5. 10. an attempt by the USA to extend their influence, or contain communism
  6. 11. After World War II, the US used the idea of _______