Cold War

  1. 3. America experienced a _________ boom from 1946 to 1964 when soldiers returned from WW2
  2. 7. Americans in 1950s felt a sense of economic _____, meaning they were doing well financially and spending lots of money as consumers
  3. 9. put in space in 1957 that caused NASA to be created by US
  4. 10. created by Soviets as response to NATO
  5. 11. Truman ordered this dropped on Japan to end WW2, creates arms race
  6. 12. type of music in 1950s that caused cultural divide between generations
  7. 15. buildup of nuclear and other weapons by US and USSR
  8. 16. Veterans of WW2 were given low interest loans and free college tuition because of the _ _ _______
  9. 19. this policy gave economic (and military) aid to Greece and Turkey
  10. 21. southern part of the United States that grew after WW2 and created lots of jobs
  11. 22. department in government that Wisconsin senator said communists were in
  12. 24. Eisenhower signed a bill that created the Interstate _______ system, allowing quicker travel cross the US
  13. 25. number of zones Germany and Berlin were divided up into
  14. 26. type of bomb in 1950s that was 750 times more powerful than atomic bomb
  15. 27. leader of USSR
  16. 31. area outside of city that Americans moved to from the inner city
  17. 33. committee that investigated communists in US
  18. 34. US did this in Berlin as a response to Berlin Blockade by Stalin
  1. 1. type of industry that created a lot of jobs because of the arms and space race
  2. 2. term that means to go all the way to the 'edge' of war and not back down
  3. 4. Neil _____ was first man to walk on the moon in 1969
  4. 5. Winston Churchill said an ____ ___ has fallen over Europe, dividing us into communist and democratic spheres
  5. 6. US foreign policy in the Cold War
  6. 8. peacekeeping organization set up in 1945 to prevent another WW2
  7. 13. 1962 event that was almost WW 3
  8. 14. the motto called "E ____ unum", and meant "out of many, one" came before In God We Trust motto
  9. 17. this policy gave 13 billion dollars to Western Europe to rebuild after WW2
  10. 18. Korea is also known as ________ Asia
  11. 20. our national motto because we were scared of Atheist Russia
  12. 21. JFK says "we choose to go to moon"; starts this between US and USSR
  13. 23. the first mission to land on the moon in 1969 were all part of the _________________ 11
  14. 28. shortened acronym for intercontinental ballistic missiles
  15. 29. JFK orders a naval ________ to stop Soviet ships from reaching Cuba in 1962
  16. 30. Last name of the man who was accusing government officials of being communist
  17. 32. started by North Korea;US gets involved to stop spread of communism