Cold War Cross-World Puzzle

  1. 3. An organization that promotes peace, security, and cooperation among countries
  2. 4. All production and distribution are owned and controlled by the government.
  3. 7. A satellite launched by the Soviet Union through the Space Race
  4. 9. Competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop space technology
  5. 11. Countries that dominate in political and military power.
  6. 13. This disease spread along trade routes and killed twenty million people, including military troops
  7. 15. Soviets, Britain, and the United States divided Germany into four zones controlled by each power.
  8. 17. To spread biased information
  9. 20. Separates Communist countries in Eastern Europe from Non-communist countries of Western Europe.
  10. 21. A conflict between North Korea, supported by the Soviet Union, and South Korea, supported by the United States
  11. 22. A period in the United States where people feared communists and socialists
  12. 23. Separation of different racial groups
  13. 24. Countries that remained neutral and independent from the United States and the Soviet Union.
  14. 25. A conflict between Communists in North Vietnam and South Vietnam, supported by the United States
  15. 26. Tool used to alter the genetic makeup of an organism
  16. 28. A policy of openness and transparency that allowed the Soviet cities to discuss problems of their system and solutions
  17. 29. Discrimination based on race, color, religion, and gender in the USA.
  18. 30. A concrete wall built in 1961 that stretched across East Germany
  1. 1. A theory that believes if one country falls to Communism, the rest will follow
  2. 2. A meeting with the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union that discussed the end of World War II
  3. 5. A system of racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the government of South Africa.
  4. 6. A Chinese leader that promoted economic growth and transformed China into a significant economic power.
  5. 8. Tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after the end of World War II.
  6. 10. An alliance between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe countries and was a response to NATO
  7. 12. A war between two dominant countries fighting indirectly.
  8. 14. An economic system in which prices are determined by Supply and Demand
  9. 16. The process of opening a country's economy by reducing trade restrictions.
  10. 18. Competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to gain military superiority
  11. 19. Contain Communism from spreading to other countries
  12. 27. An Alliance among 30 countries that establish a defense against the Soviet Union