  1. 5. US strategy to stop the spread of Communism around the world
  2. 6. integration of the world economics, politics, and cultures
  3. 7. military alliance established by the North Atlantic Treaty that sought to create a counterweight to Soviet armies stationed in central and eastern Europe after World War II.
  4. 9. It was an unlawful use of violence that cause a lot of conflict between countries around the world
  5. 10. the warming of the earths surface and atmosphere
  6. 12. peaceful leader of the Indian nationalism movement against Great Britain
  7. 15. U.S sponsored program that funded the rehabilitation of European states that could foster a stable democratic government
  8. 21. term used to describe the harsh divide between the West and Communist East
  9. 23. event where the US blocked Soviet ships from delivering nuclear weapons in the Atlantic Ocean
  10. 24. It was an international organization that was made to maintain peace and developed new relations between as well as increased economic and political coooperation after WWII
  11. 25. worlds largest trade bloc; a unique partnership between 27 European countries
  12. 27. Soviet alliance created in response to the creation of NATO
  13. 28. Baptist minister and social activist who led the civil rights movement in the U.S; famously known for his "I Have A Dream" speech
  14. 29. Russian politician that created the Russian Federation after Stalins death
  1. 1. first female prime minister of Great Britain
  2. 2. document that the U.S would provide military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces; specifically Turkey and Greece
  3. 3. economically unstable countries that relied on natural exports
  4. 4. plan implemented in China by Mao Ze Dong to organize China's vast population and address their economical and agricultural problems
  5. 8. First female prime minister of India
  6. 11. agreement created after WWII that pledged the signatory nations to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to cooperate in economic, scientific, humanitarian, and other areas.
  7. 13. what the french called the spread of American culture throughout Europe
  8. 14. legalized racial segregation in South Africa
  9. 16. group of Asian countries that experienced rapid industrialization
  10. 17. physical divider that split Germany into East and West
  11. 18. Black nationalist and the first Black president of South Africa
  12. 19. Series of protests for political and economic reform in China that resulted in the government using military force against its citizens
  13. 20. a political movement for reform within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  14. 22. Proxy war that lasted from 1955-1975 and resulted in a U.S loss against communist powers
  15. 26. group of socialist states under the influence of the Soviet Union
  16. 27. global institution that provides financing and help to developing countries all around the world