Cold War: Rising Tension

  1. 2. Egyptian President during Suez Canal Crisis.
  2. 4. America's peacetime military commitment to Europe.
  3. 9. This group of four former WWII allies governed the divided Germany.
  4. 12. The program started when Khrushchev took power.
  5. 13. First artificial satellite to orbit the Earth.
  6. 14. The fear of communism spread by HUAC was known as _________.
  7. 15. Leader of the Cuban Revolution.
  8. 16. Doctrine that proclaimed it was the duty of socialist countries to intervene in other countries where socialism was threatened.
  9. 17. Khrushchev's solution to East Germans fleeing to West Germany.
  10. 19. In 1946, Churchill claimed this had fallen across Eastern Europe
  11. 20. This doctrine promised USA troops would intervene in the Middle East to halt the spread of communism.
  12. 21. Leader of corrupt 1950s Cuban regime.
  13. 22. This plan promised to give economic aid to European countries to help them rebuild their autonomy.
  14. 23. America's policy to prevent the spread of communism.
  15. 25. Powerful, long-range weapons utilizing rocket technology.
  16. 27. A region near one superpower that was deemed untouchable by the other--Cuba was an American example of this.
  17. 28. This doctrine has been described as America's drawing a 'line in the sand' against the spread of communism.
  18. 30. First human to orbit the Earth.
  1. 1. Thanks to Soviet absence, the UN voted to commit troops to this war.
  2. 3. Polish leader during Cold War.
  3. 5. Theory that described American's fear of the countries falling one by one to communism.
  4. 6. Failed American invasion of Cuba.
  5. 7. Khrushchev's commitment to compete globally with the USA in a non-military manner.
  6. 8. A surprise nuclear attack meant to disable an enemy.
  7. 10. Hungarian leader who tried to leave the Warsaw Pact.
  8. 11. Incident that pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war.
  9. 16. Post-WWII, two ideologically divided superpowers emerged, resulting in a _______ world.
  10. 18. Czech leader during Cold War.
  11. 24. American General in command of UN forces in Korea.
  12. 26. Strategic theory that prevented the world from slipping into nuclear war.
  13. 29. 1960 spyplane incident.