Cold War Vocab

  1. 1. U.S. President (1953-1961) and WWII general.
  2. 5. more powerful than atomic bombs.
  3. 7. U.S. intelligence agency.
  4. 12. Major offensive by Vietcong during the Vietnam War.
  5. 13. Allied response to Soviet blockade of West Berlin.
  6. 16. International organization fostering global cooperation and peace.
  7. 18. North Atlantic Treaty Organization, military alliance of Western countries.
  8. 23. U.S. policy of supporting countries threatened by communism.
  9. 26. Couple executed for allegedly passing atomic secrets to Soviets.
  10. 27. 37th U.S. President (1969-1974).
  11. 28. Meeting where Allies decided post-WWII Europe's fate.
  12. 29. Communist guerrilla fighters in South Vietnam.
  13. 30. Chemicals used during the Vietnam War for defoliation and bombing.
  14. 31. U.S. strategy to halt communism's spread.
  1. 2. Supply route used by Vietcong during the Vietnam War.
  2. 3. Eastern European countries under Soviet influence.
  3. 4. Military alliance of Soviet bloc countries.
  4. 6. Term for the divide between communist and democratic countries.
  5. 8. Unsubstantiated accusations of subversion, named after Senator McCarthy.
  6. 9. Barrier separating East and West Berlin.
  7. 10. Formal decision or statement.
  8. 11. Significant increase in births after WWII.
  9. 14. Agreement dividing Vietnam after the First Indochina War.
  10. 15. Soviet leader after Stalin's death.
  11. 17. South Vietnam leader during the Vietnam War.
  12. 19. Mandatory military service.
  13. 20. U.S. President (1961-1963).
  14. 21. First artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union.
  15. 22. U.S. program aiding post-WWII European recovery.
  16. 24. Site of alleged naval incidents leading to U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
  17. 25. Cuban leader allied with the Soviet Union.