Cold War Vocabulary

  1. 1. Policy of hunting alleged communists in government, entertainment, and the military
  2. 4. Foreign policy led by President Harry Truman to stop the spread of communism around the world
  3. 9. Training Vietnamese soldiers to fight so American troops can withdraw
  4. 11. Alliance of communist countries during the Cold War
  5. 13. An ease of tensions in the 1970s during the Cold War
  6. 14. The idea that if one country falls to communism, the countries around it will too
  1. 2. Conflict between the US and Soviet Union from 1945-1991, fought through spying and competition
  2. 3. A metaphor for the Soviet Union cutting off Eastern Europe from freedom, democracy, and prosperity
  3. 5. US Plan to provide money and help to European countries after WWII to prevent them from becoming communist
  4. 6. Paranoia and hysteria due to the threat of communists in American society during the 1920s and 1950s
  5. 7. Stopping the spread of communism to other countries
  6. 8. Largest political scandal in American history- led to President Nixon resigning in August 1974
  7. 10. Alliance of democratic countries during the Cold War
  8. 11. Law passed in 1973 that limits the President’s ability to wage war without the consent of Congress
  9. 12. Spying