Cold War Vocabulary
- 1. Policy of hunting alleged communists in government, entertainment, and the military
- 4. Foreign policy led by President Harry Truman to stop the spread of communism around the world
- 9. Training Vietnamese soldiers to fight so American troops can withdraw
- 11. Alliance of communist countries during the Cold War
- 13. An ease of tensions in the 1970s during the Cold War
- 14. The idea that if one country falls to communism, the countries around it will too
- 2. Conflict between the US and Soviet Union from 1945-1991, fought through spying and competition
- 3. A metaphor for the Soviet Union cutting off Eastern Europe from freedom, democracy, and prosperity
- 5. US Plan to provide money and help to European countries after WWII to prevent them from becoming communist
- 6. Paranoia and hysteria due to the threat of communists in American society during the 1920s and 1950s
- 7. Stopping the spread of communism to other countries
- 8. Largest political scandal in American history- led to President Nixon resigning in August 1974
- 10. Alliance of democratic countries during the Cold War
- 11. Law passed in 1973 that limits the President’s ability to wage war without the consent of Congress
- 12. Spying