Cold War

  1. 3. the Chinese Nationalists lost the civil war and fled to here
  2. 8. checkpoint name along the Berlin Wall
  3. 9. a period of military and political tension, 1945-1990
  4. 10. last name of American pilot shot down in U-2
  5. 12. name of nations in Eastern Europe under Soviet control
  6. 13. this was stolen from James Donovan
  7. 15. he made the iron curtain speech in America
  8. 17. country divided up into 4 occupation zones
  9. 18. the end result of the Korean War; also a chess term
  10. 19. this peacekeeping body of 50 nations was created in 1945
  11. 20. he decided to drop the atomic bomb
  12. 21. Aerican policy to stop the spread of communism
  13. 24. structure where spy exchange took place
  14. 25. leader of the Chinese communists
  15. 27. country that joined North Korea in the Korean War
  16. 28. Stalin promised free elections for this country at Yalta
  1. 1. american method used to defeat the blockade of Berlin
  2. 2. American plan to give $13 billion in aid to Europe
  3. 4. leader of the USSR
  4. 5. Spy Abel's reply to problems-"Would it_______?"
  5. 6. college of Frederick Pryor
  6. 7. the 38th_______________divided Korea in half
  7. 8. leader of the Chinese nationalists
  8. 11. "Spend the dollar" alluded to this type of pilot death
  9. 14. Famous General in the Korean War
  10. 16. govt. where the state controls society
  11. 22. military alliance for democratic countries
  12. 23. city divided by a wall
  13. 26. city in whcih Abel was arrested
  14. 27. Spy Rudolf Abel hid secrets in this