Colin's Unit 2 Vocab

  1. 2. The atmosphere or feeling created by the writers mood
  2. 4. Unique characteristics that all contribute to a writer's style
  3. 6. An author's unique expression of language
  4. 7. A specific subject to the idea
  5. 10. An expressive literary piece written in first person personal
  6. 11. The author's particular attitude
  7. 12. The time and place which the story takes place
  8. 13. Changes are made to improve the focus content
  9. 15. A stage in the writing process by correcting mechanics, grammar, and spelling
  10. 16. Language intended not to be taken literally
  11. 17. The central idea
  1. 1. The author's use of precise vocabulary
  2. 3. Provide hints about future events that may occur later in the story
  3. 5. Literary text includes prose, fiction, drama, poetry, and literary non-fiction
  4. 8. The opposition of forces that bring out dramatic action- conflict may be internal-Ex man vs man. Man vs nature, or man vs society
  5. 9. Language such as imagery, irony, or foreshadowing
  6. 14. The method in which an author explicitly states aspects of his/hers characters personality