
  1. 7. Stalin’s policy of industrializing farming
  2. 9. Horrendous outcome of famine
  3. 10. Economies of …
  4. 13. Disastrous outcome of collectivization
  5. 14. Farm animals
  6. 17. Deliberate killing of a race of people
  7. 18. Area of great resistance to collectivization
  8. 22. Stalin saw collectivization as carried out from where?
  9. 23. Scarce commodity under collectivization
  10. 24. Storage place for grain
  11. 25. Historian that argued the famine was a deliberate terror (surname)
  1. 1. rural farmer
  2. 2. Arbitrary figure applied to number of Kulaks
  3. 3. System of farming in Russia
  4. 4. Important Russian Newspaper
  5. 5. The T in MTS
  6. 6. Tsarist Russian economic reformer
  7. 8. Kill off
  8. 11. Group in which peasants live
  9. 12. Collective farm (plural)
  10. 15. Removal of unwanted citizen
  11. 16. Class enemy (plural)
  12. 19. Prosperous farmers (derogatory)
  13. 20. Reason for Ukraine opposition to USSR (Movement)
  14. 21. Making collectivization compulsory