College and Career

  1. 1. The name of the federal financial aid application.
  2. 4. give you a head start for high school.
  3. 6. Money that’s available to help pay college expenses
  4. 10. in a certain field
  5. 11. Taking a _______ language class in middle school
  6. 14. Someone who attends an educational institution to learn
  7. 15. A two year college is also known as a _____college.
  8. 17. Middle school is a steppingstone to ____ ______.
  9. 18. The Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and
  10. 19. a class in middle school that will help prepare me for college
  1. 2. career or profession, without going to a 4 year school..
  2. 3. A __________ school prepares you for a
  3. 5. An institution of higher learning offering instruction,
  4. 7. Financial aid that must be paid back with interest
  5. 8. A 9th grader can also be known as a_____________
  6. 9. GPA means your grade _____ average
  7. 12. in a professional, vocational or technical field.
  8. 13. Money awarded to a student based on merit or
  9. 16. goals are also called _______?