college and career vocabulary words

  1. 2. on the job training with a experienced worker
  2. 5. a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelorĀ“s or equivalent degree
  3. 8. earn after 3-5 years of study
  4. 11. nonresidential junior college offering courses to people living in a particular area
  5. 12. the placement of the student in high school sours that offers college credit if successful completed
  6. 13. a person who successfully completed a course of study or training
  7. 14. highest level of academic degree
  8. 17. college that have the main focused of information technology,applied science,engineering,agriculture
  9. 20. qualifyinas a subsidiary subject at college or university
  10. 23. is a academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice
  11. 24. form fill out by college or graduate students who are eligible for government sponsored financial aid
  1. 1. group of four subject test
  2. 2. meeting the standards established by a recognized agency
  3. 3. education beyond high school
  4. 4. school supported by private organization
  5. 6. two year of study in college
  6. 7. school supported by public funds
  7. 9. any grant or scholarship,lone,or paid employment offered to help student meet college expenses
  8. 10. the money that you have to give back to college
  9. 15. an official record of a studentĀ“s work
  10. 16. scholastic aptitude test
  11. 18. an official document attesting a certain fact
  12. 19. unit of measuring educational credit
  13. 21. specialize in at a college or university
  14. 22. nationawide career development system