College Summit - Terms Learned

  1. 2. a timeline outlining steps one would take to get their dream job
  2. 3. free money for school
  3. 5. what you receive after graduating high school
  4. 10. the form of post-secondary education that gets its funding from third parties
  5. 12. money spent that can change, depending
  6. 14. the amount of money earned before the government takes
  7. 16. money taken by the government from one's wage
  8. 20. a plan that helps manage one's finances
  9. 21. a two-year institution that offers associates degrees and certifications
  10. 23. an institution of learning one attends post-high school
  11. 24. a type of school known historically for inclusion of people of color
  12. 26. a type of institution that offers on-the-job training and direct education for specific fields
  13. 27. money for school that one must pay back
  14. 29. a paper that contains academic information
  15. 30. money left over after spending
  16. 32. the grade most high school students take a specific standardized test
  17. 33. money spent that does not change on a month to month basis
  1. 1. a form completed to obtain money for post-secondary schools
  2. 4. the form of post-secondary education that gets its funding from the state
  3. 6. money earned
  4. 7. a job, usually paid, that has many requirements
  5. 8. a set amount of money earned in one year
  6. 9. 24 are required for the completion of high school, obtained from volunteer work
  7. 10. a form of money earned from a job
  8. 11. free money for school from the government
  9. 13. a post-secondary institution known for rigorous application processes and low student population
  10. 15. where one can obtain their academic records to sent to different institutions
  11. 17. a form submitted to colleges for admission
  12. 18. money spent
  13. 19. a standardized exam some colleges require for admission
  14. 22. an institution that offers masters and graduate programs
  15. 25. a standardized test that some institutions require for admission; an institution is found in its name
  16. 28. a post-secondary option that allows people to serve on a specific branch
  17. 31. a paper that contains personal information to turn in for a potential job