  1. 3. OF ATTENDANCE-Colleges estimating the cost of attendances to their school.
  2. 5. CURRICULAR-Extra clubs or things after school.
  3. 7. DEGREE-The highest degree
  4. 8. you pay to go to college.
  5. 10. DEGREE-Acknowledging the truth
  6. 11. HOUR-The unit of measuring educational credit.
  7. 13. LOANS-A loan for college then yourself have to pay it back monthly.
  8. 14. DEGREE-A degree granted after a two year course
  9. 15. DEGREE-A student at college who has not earned their bachelors degree.
  1. 1. to give or allow
  2. 2. DEGREE-A 4 year degree
  3. 4. you need to get a good job.
  4. 6. award to college from you high school pays your college.
  5. 9. DEGREE-A student who goes to college and has not earned their bachelors degree.
  6. 12. DEGREE- A mastery in a job