Colonial Education .

  1. 5. Boston,MA . Benjamin Harris . alphabet and Bible reading example .
  2. 9. every town of at least 50 families to hire a teacher . Towns at least 50 families were required to have a teacher for their latin GRAMMAR schoo
  3. 10. ordinance for ascertaining the mode of disposing of lands in the Western Territory:
  4. 12. first one established in Boston,MA in 1635. only males of certain socioeconomic and social classes considered . prepare them for higher education similar to morden day high school .
  5. 13. . required parents to see that their children knew how to read , fundamentals of religion , and laws of commonwealt
  6. 14. only and parents had their choices .
  1. 1. paddle with lessons tacked on and covered by a piece of transparent ho Textbook.wood paddle with lessons tacked on and covered by a piece of transparen
  2. 2. which someone learns an art, trade, or job under another.
  3. 3. interest not important or even considered
  4. 4. to standardize English language usage in the United States
  5. 6. chartered a government for the Northwest Territory, provided a method for admitting new states to the Union from the territory, and listed a bill of rights
  6. 7. graduates became ministers in PURITAN congregations .
  7. 8. member of a 16th and 17th century Protestant group in England and New England opposing as unscriptural the ceremonial worship and the prelacy of the Church of England.
  8. 11. christians are priests and can communicate directly with God .