Colonial Times

  1. 3. Trade routes that crisscross at the Atlantic Ocean
  2. 8. Route slaves took to get to the new world
  3. 9. Colony under the direct control from the English Crown (King) Ex: Virginia
  4. 10. Pilgrims wrote it for the general good of the colony
  5. 11. English Colony in which the king gave land to proprietors in exchange for yearly payment Ex: Maryland
  6. 12. Founder of Rhode Island
  7. 15. First step to establishment of a representative government
  8. 18. How many original Colonies are there?
  9. 19. Giant farms that grow cash crops in the South like cotton
  10. 20. Hero for the struggle of freedom of Press
  11. 22. Last colony founded in 1732
  12. 23. Founded for religious freedom
  13. 24. Leader of Bacon Rebellion that rebelled against Virginias royal government
  1. 1. Founded in 1624 and for trade and profits
  2. 2. Colonies with Subsistence farming
  3. 4. Colonies with plantation farming
  4. 5. Colony established by a group of settlers who had formal doe allowing them to settle, ex: Rhode Island
  5. 6. Colonies with Staple farming
  6. 7. Founded because of religious disagreement in England
  7. 10. Founded in 1602 for religious freedom for puritans
  8. 13. Economic policy that the colonies had to send raw goods to mom (Great Britain) and they sell it back to the colonies
  9. 14. The first colony that was in the new world
  10. 16. The first permanent English colony
  11. 17. Founder of Pennsylvania
  12. 21. leader of the First Great Awaking