Color Harmony

  1. 5. uses a base color and the two colors adjacent to its complementary color
  2. 7. a hue produced by adding grey
  3. 8. Red+Yellow+Blue
  4. 9. a hue produced by adding white
  5. 11. the degree of lightness or darkness of a hue
  6. 13. an adjective for vibrant and strong
  7. 15. takes one base hue from the color wheel and uses different shades, tones, or tints to create a group of colors
  8. 16. first person to develop a theory of color based on a color wheel
  9. 18. the intensity or purity of a hue
  1. 1. an adjective for dull
  2. 2. created by mixing primary and secondary colors
  3. 3. the _____ of a color evokes different emotions and produces different psychological effects
  4. 4. opposite each other of the color wheel
  5. 6. uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel like a triangle
  6. 10. the name of a color
  7. 12. a color scheme that uses two to four colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  8. 13. Green+Orange+Purple
  9. 14. a color scheme created by using four distinct hues from the color wheel or two sets of complementary colors
  10. 17. a hue produced by adding black