Color Theory
- 3. colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and closely related.
- 6. hue + grey
- 7. hue + black
- 10. colors that can be mixed to make all colors, but they cannot be made by mixing other colors: red, yellow, and blue
- 11. hue + white
- 12. colors that are located midway between primary colors on the color wheel: orange, green, violet
- 13. is pure color
- 1. _______Colors are the blues and greens of the color spectrum associated with water, sky, ice, and cooler temperatures
- 2. colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel.
- 4. colors that are found between the primary and secondary colors; also called tertiary; red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, green-blue, blue-violet, violet-red
- 5. the strength or purity of a color
- 8. _______Colors are the yellows and reds of the color spectrum,
- 9. refers to the hue’s lightness or darkness