Color Theory

  1. 3. Primary
  2. 4. The lightness and darkness of a color
  3. 8. How many colors in the color wheel
  4. 9. A section of the color wheel which refers to three colors
  5. 11. Natural colors you cannot get by mixing
  6. 13. You swipe your paintbrush across the paper plate to
  7. 14. Secondary
  8. 15. What color should look golden
  9. 17. Word used to describe the tip of the paintbrush
  1. 1. The color you get by mixing blue and yellow
  2. 2. When mixing, what color do you need lesser of
  3. 5. A circular arrangement of color
  4. 6. How many secondary colors are in the color wheel
  5. 7. Word used to describe how you wash your brush
  6. 8. Colors made by mixing a primary and secondary
  7. 9. Technique used for drying your brush
  8. 10. Color made by mixing primary with a primary
  9. 12. The color you get when you mix red and violet
  10. 16. This bounces off an object and reflects back into your eye allowing you to see color