
  1. 2. A neutral color like the clouds or a rainy day. It's calm and balanced, often used as a backdrop for other colors.
  2. 4. A precious metal color like the sun or glittering jewelry. It symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and success.
  3. 6. A dark color like the night sky or a raven's feathers. It's often associated with mystery, elegance, and power.
  4. 7. A pure color like freshly fallen snow or a blank piece of paper. It symbolizes purity, innocence, and cleanliness.
  5. 10. A color found in nature like the leaves on trees or grass. It symbolizes growth, freshness, and harmony.
  6. 11. A natural color like the earth or tree bark. It's warm and comforting, reminding us of nature and stability.
  7. 14. A metallic color like shiny coins or a mirror. It represents sophistication, modernity, and reflection.
  8. 15. A regal color like the color of royal robes or blooming lavender. It represents creativity, luxury, and mystery.
  1. 1. A deep, reddish-brown color like ripe cherries or mahogany wood. It's rich and elegant, often used in luxury items.
  2. 3. A cheerful color like the sun or a ripe banana. It brings feelings of happiness, warmth, and optimism.
  3. 5. A vibrant color like a sunset or a juicy orange. It combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.
  4. 8. A vibrant color like tropical waters or gemstones. It's refreshing and invigorating, reminding us of summer skies.
  5. 9. A soft color like the petals of a flower or cotton candy. It's often associated with sweetness, love, and innocence.
  6. 12. A calm and soothing color like the sky on a clear day or the ocean. It can represent tranquility, serenity, and trust.
  7. 13. A bright color like the color of ripe strawberries or a stop sign. It's often associated with love, passion, and energy.