Colors, Shapes, Sizes

  1. 5. The color of the sky or ocean.
  2. 6. The color of gum or cotton candy.
  3. 7. The size of a piece of rice
  4. 8. A shape like a door or a piece of paper.
  5. 9. A shape like a ball or a clock.
  6. 10. The color of bananas or lemons.
  7. 13. The color of chocolate or coffee.
  8. 15. The color of lettuce or broccoli.
  9. 16. A shape like a slice of pizza.
  1. 1. A shape like a window or a small book.
  2. 2. corto
  3. 3. The color of milk or cauliflower.
  4. 4. The color of carrots or peaches.
  5. 5. The color of the night sky.
  6. 11. largo
  7. 12. The color of grapes or eggplant.
  8. 13. The size of a watermelon
  9. 14. The color of strawberries and tomatoes.