
  1. 3. Opposite of "off"
  2. 4. Hamlet couldn't decide if he wanted to do this.
  3. 7. Green is an example of this type of this type of color.
  4. 9. If you mix a bit of green into your red paint, you will do this to the red color.
  5. 10. The opposite of "down".
  6. 11. The number of warm primary colors.
  7. 12. Red, yellow and blue are the __________ colors.
  8. 13. This type of color represents the color that the eye would see, the "real" color.
  9. 14. 3.14159265359
  10. 15. Contrast in value, saturation and temperature can create this.
  11. 16. "She's as cold as ________" is a line from an 80s song.
  12. 18. These cells in the back of your eye allow you to see colors.
  13. 21. This is bv's complement.
  14. 24. foot, basket and teacher David
  15. 26. In additive color mixing, red, green and blue make this color.
  16. 27. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 are called ________ numbers.
  17. 31. Local color = __________ color
  18. 33. The dominant color on a can of Coca Cola.
  19. 35. Acronym that describes the three components of any color.
  1. 1. Add black to a color and you make this.
  2. 2. An achromatic value scale does not have any of this.
  3. 4. The cool primary color on the color wheel.
  4. 5. see _______ seen
  5. 6. subjective colors = _________ colors (for example, purple, not green grass)
  6. 7. This type of color mixing is what you do when you use your pencils to mix blue and red to make violet.
  7. 8. Young student. This word also means the black dot in the middle of your eye that lets in light.
  8. 11. This is how you say both "he" and "she" in Mandarin Chinese. Maybe this is why many Chinese students make mistakes with he/she.
  9. 12. The most saturated color on a value scale cannot take any more chroma. It is seen as being the _______ color.
  10. 17. This word refers to how light or dark a color is.
  11. 19. If you ask your teacher if you can hand write your templates for the your color notebooks, he will say this.
  12. 20. The number of tertiary colors on a color wheel.
  13. 22. Exclamation (in English) that expresses pain.
  14. 23. If you ask a group of children, "Who wants ice cream?" most of them will raise their hands and shout this word.
  15. 25. This type of key is dominated by colors at the darker end of a value scale.
  16. 28. These cells on your retina help you see darks and lights, but not colors.
  17. 29. Informal way to say "hello".
  18. 30. British spelling of "gray".
  19. 32. Add white to a color and you make this.
  20. 34. A warm tertiary color containing violet.