
  1. 7. once you were ----- from God
  2. 9. Paul told him to complete the ministry he had received
  3. 10. faithful minister of Christ
  4. 11. all the fullness of the deity lives in Him
  5. 13. You will receive this from the Lord as a reward
  6. 15. as members of one body we are called to this.
  7. 16. be wise in the way you act toward -----
  1. 1. we have to devote ourselves to this
  2. 2. cloth yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, ----- and patience
  3. 3. our conversation should be full of this
  4. 4. But now He has ----- you by Christ's physical body
  5. 5. let the ----- of Christ dwell among you richly
  6. 6. set your---- on things above
  7. 8. put to death whatever belongs to your ----nature
  8. 12. now I rejoice in what I am ---- for you
  9. 14. He will tell the Colossians the news about Paul