Commerce vocabulary

  1. 3. standard proof required in criminal trial
  2. 6. system in which two opposing parties present their arguments to a magistrate or judge
  3. 7. deals with disputes between private citizens
  4. 8. system of law based on the previous decisions of judges, or precedents
  5. 9. deals with disputes that affect the community
  6. 10. a previous legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases
  7. 12. a third person helps settle a dispute by trying to get both parties to reach a mutually acceptable solution by offering advice and suggestions.
  8. 15. Third party makes a decision that is legally binding and both the employer and employee must accept
  9. 16. a hearing in a Local Court to decide whether there is enough evidence to put a person on trial for an indictable (serious) offence
  1. 1. When a third party helps those involved in a dispute to reach a solution acceptable for both size. Mediation do not act for either of the parties, no do they advise or decide who is right or wrong.
  2. 2. laws made by parliaments
  3. 3. is the standard proof in civil trials
  4. 4. a process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another person a loss
  5. 5. method od solving disputes where the parties involve discusses the issue in an attempt to reach a compromise
  6. 11. a set of legal rules
  7. 13. the party in a criminal or civil trial against whom an action has been brought
  8. 14. the party that commences a civil action
  9. 17. disorder or confusion due to the absence of government or laws