Commercial correspondence BEII

  1. 1. full name and job title, with other details optionally added
  2. 3. courtesy title
  3. 6. a letter or email expressing dissatisfaction
  4. 7. this abbreviation may or may not appear under the sender’s address
  5. 9. in an email, recipient hidden to the main recipient/s in the To: field
  6. 13. address where you’re sending your letter
  7. 15. ending or a ... close
  1. 2. you ask for information, or a catalogue or a price list
  2. 4. Dear Ms Jones is a ...
  3. 5. the message of a letter, usually three or four paragraphs
  4. 8. a document is included but not attached
  5. 10. these cannot be written in an email
  6. 11. printed heading on stationery giving the name and address of a person or firm
  7. 12. the person to whom a letter or email is sent
  8. 14. per ... or on behalf of