Common laws

  1. 1. law regulates people's behaviour with other individuals
  2. 4. you ask a ------ to Oder the soft drink manufacturer, the defendant to pay compensation
  3. 6. you, the ----- go to court to prove your case
  4. 8. is necessary to protect people who make agreements
  5. 10. are robbery, homicide ( manslaughter and murder)
  6. 11. at the bottom of page 21 written text under first box
  7. 14. the wronged party will seek damages, money as ------
  8. 15. law of tort are negligence, nuisance, --------
  9. 17. in a magistrates court
  10. 18. the guilt of the defendant is determined by a judge and -----
  1. 2. deals with people doing something wrong or not taking responsible care
  2. 3. what is the title on page 21
  3. 5. law regulates people's behaviour within society
  4. 6. the police or the goverment will ------- you
  5. 7. if you are found guilty
  6. 9. is a serious crime and is known as a criminal offence
  7. 12. where a civil wrong is successfully proven
  8. 13. you decide to ---- the manufacture for negligence
  9. 16. concerned with matters such as birth, marraige, divorces and care of children