Common Music Symbols

  1. 4. Cancels a sharp or flat until the next bar line
  2. 5. Very loud
  3. 7. A sharp, flat, or natural not indicated in the key signature
  4. 8. Gradually louder
  5. 10. Seperated; detached
  6. 12. A place to take a breath
  7. 13. Repeat the previous two measures
  8. 15. Very soft
  9. 17. Emphasis is given to a note by playing it a little louder
  10. 19. Loud
  11. 21. Hold the note for its full value
  1. 1. Hold the note or rest a little longer
  2. 2. Soft
  3. 3. Raises the pitch of a note one half step
  4. 6. Repeat the previous measure
  5. 9. Gradually softer
  6. 11. Gradually softer
  7. 14. Play the music again
  8. 16. Forte Moderately Loud
  9. 18. A curved line that connects notes of different pitches
  10. 19. Lowers the pitch of a note one half step
  11. 20. A curved line that connects notes of the same pitch