communicable and non-communicable diseases

  1. 3. non-cancerous tumor
  2. 4. a genetic disease, where body cannot produce insulin and glucose stays in the blood, where it damages all the organ systems
  3. 5. type of disease you develop
  4. 7. a disease you can get in any part of your body
  5. 8. a factor that you cant control
  6. 11. a factor that you can control
  7. 12. diabetes, dependent on environmental triggers
  8. 13. tiny agent that can only replicate in living host
  9. 15. attack blood clot in heart
  10. 16. Viral infection of the nose and throat
  11. 17. fungus, bacteria or virus
  12. 18. acquired through bodily fluids and sexual contact
  1. 1. cancerous tumor
  2. 2. a disease passed from person to person contact
  3. 4. occurs through contaminated foods, sneezing & mosquitoes
  4. 6. when a LARGER population of people contract a disease in a certain amount of time
  5. 9. can be fought off with antibiotics
  6. 10. nutrient you need alot of to prevent Type 2 Diabetes
  7. 14. Yeast, molds and mushrooms