Community Kindness Crossword
- 4. The 174th word on the Classroom Spelling Bee competition list
- 6. Jenny L. has signed on with NYCWorkWell to be our workplace's wellness _____
- 8. The subject of Chancellor’s Regulation A-801 is Pupil _______
- 12. One of the Level 2 Infractions in the Discipline Code is B16 (grades 6-8) or A14 (grades K-5). What is the last word of the infraction?
- 13. Attach a certificate of _____ when submitting a field trip plan for Sonita’s approval
- 17. On the homepage of the Sunshine Club website, there is a quote. This is the first name of the person the quote is attributed to.
- 19. This is the first word on page 10 of the NYC Department of Education Test Administration Handbook: Elementary and Middle Schools 2022 – 2023
- 22. During college at St. Francis, ToniAnne played softball and golf for the _____
- 23. Chancellor Banks closes his emails this way (put the two words without a space)
- 25. The name of the company that we use for Picture Day (put the two words without a space)
- 26. In order to get to i-Ready from the TeachHub, you must first click on the blue icon with a “C” in the middle. This application is called _____
- 1. What is the second standard of the NAGC Gifted Programming Standards?
- 2. According to the General Response Protocol, “The Hold response calls for no movement throughout the building until the _____ _____ is given.” (put the two words without a space)
- 3. What is the second word in the NGLS acronym?
- 5. The last name of the PTA Executive Vice President for 2022-2023
- 7. Around January/February, teachers have to identity students whose _____ is in doubt
- 9. When viewing a child’s IEP on SESIS, one of the categories is titled “Measurable _____ Goals.”
- 10. According to the updated Upper Division PBIS Matrix, inclusion in the bathroom states, “We are considerate and respectful of others’ _____ _____” (put the two words without a space)
- 11. School is closed on April 21 due to this holiday (no spaces or punctuation)
- 13. On the Remote Learning 2022-2023 spreadsheet, this is the title of the third column (put the two words without a space)
- 14. One of the pies from Betty Bakery that is a part of the PTA Pie Fundraiser has a color in its name. What is the color?
- 15. This is the last word of the title of the 3b component of the Danielson rubric
- 16. If you call 1-800-231-0288, you will receive a free _____ service
- 18. The Spirit Day for December (put the first two words without a space)
- 20. According to the SLT minutes from September 21, 2022, item #6 was _____ _____ (put the two words without a space)
- 21. The last name of the Social Worker at the Lower Division
- 24. This staff member’s birthday is on June 22