Complaints & SE's
- 1. complaint involves a discharge trip
- 3. vehicle was not in proper working order
- 4. also known as SE
- 5. FCR
- 6. button select to file complaint
- 11. also referred to as grievances
- 12. the vehicle was unclean
- 13. protocols section c.1
- 14. click QC at the bottom of member trips tab
- 16. member cant get service in their area
- 18. complaint is with vehicle
- 19. the msr was rude to caller
- 21. ____-down the vehicle broke down
- 2. the tp had issues navigating to/from
- 7. the TP was late
- 8. the TP got lost during/on the way
- 9. the member was being inappropriate
- 10. the vehicle was not properly marked
- 14. while inside the trip select QC
- 15. any reason not listed
- 17. complaint about driver behavior
- 20. the driver was rude or inappropriate