Complete Book Puzzle-MBSID

  1. 4. Sam hides in Tom Warrups home, which the book calls this.
  2. 5. He was beheaded by the British.
  3. 7. Both author's last name.
  4. 9. Sam's trial was called this.
  5. 11. Tim remains this for the entire book.
  6. 13. Sam warns Tim to do this to his eight,skinny cattle.
  7. 15. War turns men into these creatures.
  8. 17. What is Sam's girlfriend's name?
  9. 20. The Brown Bess is this.
  10. 22. Tim's best friend.
  11. 23. Sam is framed for stealing these.
  12. 25. Disease caught by Life.
  13. 27. Life and Tim went to sell their cattle near this river.
  14. 28. ______ Arnold was the captain of Sam's company.
  15. 30. The number of years Sam is in the army.
  1. 1. General Putnam makes Sam this at the end of the book.
  2. 2. The commander of the patriot army.
  3. 3. The city where Tim's family traded goods.
  4. 6. Mr. Heron wants Tim to deliver this.
  5. 8. The city Tim lives.
  6. 10. Who kidnapped Life Meeker?
  7. 11. The genre of this book is historical _____.
  8. 12. Tim and Sam's last name.
  9. 14. Redding's doctor.
  10. 16. Life and Susannah raise their boys in this church.
  11. 18. Sam left this college to fight for independence.
  12. 19. Life ends up here.
  13. 21. Tim grows up to run one of these.
  14. 24. Loyalist synonym.
  15. 26. Tim yelled to the patriots, "Don't ____ him!"
  16. 29. Sam shows this as he meets his fate.