
  1. 3. Write ... to people know what you think.
  2. 4. You need to ... this letter or you will be unlucky!
  3. 6. ... your profile information.
  4. 9. You can use ... to say your feelings without words.
  5. 11. You need to ... people who you don't know.
  6. 13. ... the page to find my contact information. (2 words)
  7. 14. Open ... to see websites that you have visited.
  8. 15. ... your password.
  9. 17. To ... a document, your device need to be connected to a printer.
  10. 20. ... this app to use it.
  11. 22. ... a new account.
  12. 23. ... your username and password to log in.
  1. 1. ... icon to open that program. (2 words)
  2. 2. Save your work in your ....
  3. 5. ... the wrong information.
  4. 6. ... video on youtube.
  5. 7. ... is mobile data storage.
  6. 8. ... my channel.
  7. 10. Itunes is a website where you can download ....
  8. 12. ... your mistakes.
  9. 16. You can ... your profile, if something is wrong.
  10. 17. Copy-....
  11. 18. Follow that ... to get a gift.
  12. 19. Use ... to make connection with other devices.
  13. 21. You can use internet to ... information.