Computer Application Computer Basics

  1. 3. an electronic device that executes the instructions in a program
  2. 7. the computer's main circuit board
  3. 9. responsible for what you hear in the speakers or headphones
  4. 11. this is responsible for what you see on your monitor
  5. 14. links together a sequence of slides containing text and graphics
  6. 16. a term used to measure the speed of a cpu
  7. 18. short term memory
  8. 19. another word for the sound card is
  1. 1. a hand held device for moving a cursor around the screen
  2. 2. a device for typing letters, numbers, and symbols into the computer
  3. 3. is not a reason why computers are powerful
  4. 4. allows your computer to communicate over a network an access the internet
  5. 5. when you save a file, the data is stored here
  6. 6. the most commonly used computer application, used to produce documents
  7. 8. Microsoft office is an example of what
  8. 10. displays information on a screen
  9. 12. another word for a program
  10. 13. converts the power from the wall outlet to the type of power needed by the computer
  11. 15. how often should you do a security scan of your computer
  12. 17. the physical parts of a computer