Computer Basics Part 2

  1. 2. applications for mobile devices
  2. 3. graphical user interface
  3. 6. an operating system for Apple phones.
  4. 7. An operating system for phones/mobile devices.
  5. 8. applications for desktops
  6. 10. Application to listen to music or watch movies.
  7. 12. Manages the computer’s memory, process as well as all of the software and hardware.
  8. 15. A type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks.
  1. 1. tool you use to access the internet.
  2. 2. A type of operating system used in PC’s
  3. 4. A Google mobile app for viewing and sending emails
  4. 5. allows you to use your mouse to click on things and everything is clearly displayed on the screen using a combo of graphics and text.
  5. 9. when you have more than one application open at a the same time.
  6. 11. A family of open-source operating systems that are free and can be modified.
  7. 13. short for Application
  8. 14. An operating system used in mac’s.