Computer Fundamentals
- 3. device that helps put information into the computer
- 6. portable storage device
- 9. website app which enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images
- 10. language of the computers
- 11. solid state drive
- 12. local area network
- 14. one of the 4 basic functions of a computer that helps it remember information
- 16. quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer
- 17. the brain of the computer
- 18. main storage device of the computer
- 22. sharing network within an organization
- 23. device that helps take information out o the computer
- 1. basic unit of information in computing (binary digit)
- 2. software that helps rund the computer
- 4. Random Access Memory
- 5. eight bits
- 7. storage
- 8. software that is run by the computer
- 9. all the programs that help the computer run
- 13. all the physical parts of the computers
- 15. the "thinking" the computer does
- 19. global system of interconnected computers
- 20. wide area network
- 21. a system of computers that are connected to each other