Computer Repair
- 2. display screen
- 5. move the arrow
- 7. most popular connection used to connect a computer to devices such as digital cameras, printers, scanners, and external hard drives
- 9. to read disks or CDs
- 10. physical components of computer
- 11. cable is sometimes called a ribbon cable
- 12. use a combination of compressed air, a low-air-flow
- 16. volatile memory
- 17. brain of computer
- 19. drives drive mounted inside of a computer
- 1. supply gives energy to computer
- 3. process of fixing a problem on the computer
- 4. to type with
- 6. HDD
- 8. downloaded components of computer
- 11. Maintenance Check the condition of the cables, components, and peripherals
- 13. devices piece of computer equipment on which information can be stored
- 14. cards expansion card in computing is a printed circuit board
- 15. smallest unit of data or memory
- 18. power connector provides the optical drive with power from the power supply