Computer Science 05

  1. 5. spread by copying certain files such as .exe files activated once opened
  2. 7. xxx of service attack, Stops a user accessing part of a network by flooding the network with traffic or requests, slowing the network down
  3. 8. xxx testing, The use of specialists to simulate attacks on the system
  4. 9. are security systems designed to prevent unauthorised access to or from your computer or private network. xxx can be implemented in hardware software or a combination of both. xxx sit between the user’s computer and the external network examining the traffic and filtering out any data that doesn’t meet a given set of criteria. xxx software will warn/ask the user when unknown or new software tries to access external data sources.
  5. 11. xxx layer turning data into websites and other applications
  6. 17. xxx policy: Testing of the network for weaknesses - Strong password policy - Implement user access levels – restricts access to data for only those that need them - Install anti malware and firewall software - Encrypt sensitive information
  7. 18. xxx attack Someone within the organisation stealing information
  8. 19. xxx Making connections between networks, directing packets
  9. 21. xxx attack Use packet sniffers looking for sensitive information - Encryption is the best defence
  1. 1. You receive an email from your bank, but its raised your suspicions as it contains links to login and update your details
  2. 2. xxx layer Controlling data flow – data into packets, check packets sent and received
  3. 3. network policies aim to prevent xxxx
  4. 4. malware disguised as legitimate software not self-replicating users have to install them not realising they have hidden purpose
  5. 6. xxx injection an attack that make network databases be susceptible to attack
  6. 10. Network xxx, find the cause of the attack on a network. This is done by analysing packets of data on a network
  7. 12. Strong xxx are made of, Lower and upper case letters. Numbers. Symbols. Min length of 8 characters
  8. 13. xxx force attack, Cracking passwords through trial and error. By using a program to continually attempt to login using a list of passwords. Reduce risks by locking accounts after a number of failed login attempts and using strong passwords
  9. 14. xxx attack A planned attack against a network, firewall best defence
  10. 15. xxx engineering Gaining sensitive information or illegal access influencing people within an organisation
  11. 16. xxx layer passing data over the physical network
  12. 20. like a virus but they self-replicate spreading quickly over a network