Computer Science Module 1
- 1. a wireless networking technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal.
- 3. Network a group of computers connected with each other so that various devices can interact with each other through a network.
- 4. Language zeros and ones; code arranged in ways that the computer can read, understand, act upon.
- 8. Area Network (LAN) a group of computers connected to each other in a small area such as a building, office.
- 9. the activities practiced by individuals, organizations, and nations, in order to gain unauthorized access to computer and technology dependent systems.
- 11. the process of hiding readable information in a format that can't be read.
- 14. a device that uses information or data, and carries out instructions. It takes input from input devices, runs code, and produces output through output devices.
- 18. The amount of data that can be transmitted within a fixed time period.
- 21. Central processing unit that calculates information.
- 22. Structures Do certain things based on a true or false, yes or no decision.
- 23. Area Network (WAN) a network that extends over a large geographical area such as states or countries.
- 24. memory is temporarily stored; Also known as random access memory.
- 2. Device or software that blocks unwanted Internet traffic while allowing legitimate traffic.
- 5. global network of computers that use protocols and data packets to exchange information.
- 6. a basic unit of communication over a digital network.
- 7. Stores information.
- 10. protecting networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access or criminal use and the practice of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
- 12. Converts physical input to binary information.
- 13. of Commands The right commands in the right order.
- 15. Model a layered abstract description for communications and computer network protocol design.
- 16. Structures List of instructions to do more than once.
- 17. a process through which digital data is saved within a data storage device by means of computing technology.
- 19. Converts information to physical output.
- 20. a high-speed electronic network that carries more than one type of communication (as Internet and cable television signals).