Computer System, Files and Folders
- 1. Used in 3D-printing
- 6. Displays computer output
- 7. Produces hardcopy of computer file
- 8. The computer memory that stores data temporarily
- 9. The physical components of a computer system
- 10. A…………can hold about one letter, one number or one special character in computer storage
- 11. An example of optical storage
- 12. The speed of the CPU is measured in……
- 13. To press a mouse button
- 15. Key on the keyboard used for erasing
- 16. The equivalent of 1024MBs
- 2. A folder within a folder
- 3. A type computer monitor
- 4. When data is processed, we get...........
- 5. The files, programs and instructions on a computer
- 9. Placed over the user’s head and ears to hear audio
- 14. Communication hardware that connects different items