Computer Systems
- 4. Storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and receive digital information
- 6. Used to detect and remove anything malicious
- 7. A large program that controls the operation of a computer system
- 8. Malicious, duplicates itself onto system to corrupt files and system
- 10. Masks itself as a safe program, steals information, takes over host system
- 11. Specialised OS designed for a specific task, not for a computer
- 14. The main printed circuit board which connects all other components in a computer system
- 15. An output device that displays information being input from end user in pictorial form
- 16. Rearranges data stored, so that same data is together and retrieval is easier
- 19. A form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order
- 20. Called the brain of a computer, performs basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output functions
- 1. Tracks the user's internet activities
- 2. Programs used to reduce file sizes to be sent ore easily
- 3. Software designed to help analyse, configure, optimise or maintain a computer
- 5. Any program or group of programs designed for the end user
- 9. OS that runs on personal computer or mobile
- 12. A connection with special features and abilities usually specific to an OS
- 13. Replicates itself and destroys data saved on host computer
- 17. Used to prevent, detect and remove any viruses that may be on your computer
- 18. Anything malicious that will harm your computer