computer terms nora

  1. 2. Kilby Developed and demonstrated a microchip on September 12, 1958.
  2. 4. Best known for co-developing the BASIC programming language in 1964 with Thomas E. Kurtz.
  3. 6. Zuse a german civil engineer
  4. 7. Baer: video game developer.
  5. 8. Berners-Lee Invented the World Wide Web (WWW)
  6. 10. an american psychologist and computer scientist.
  7. 11. Hoff he is one of the inventors of the microprocessor.
  8. 12. Presper Eckert Invented the first general-purpose electronic digital computer (ENIAC) along with John Mauchly.
  9. 13. Developed the Turing Machine in 1936
  10. 14. Founded (MITS) in 1970
  11. 17. Created the first graphical Computer game, OXO (also known as Noughts and Crosses) a tic-tac-toe game in 1952
  12. 18. E. Kurtz American computer scientist who co-developed the BASIC programming language during 1963 to 1964, together with John G. Kemeny.
  1. 1. helped define and develop several widely used technologies
  2. 2. Most known as the inventor of the transistor, which revolutionized the electronics industry.
  3. 3. creating the first personal computers.
  4. 5. Andreessen an american entrepreneur
  5. 9. Bushnell American engineer and entrepreneur who founded both Atari, Inc. and the Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza-Time Theaters chain
  6. 12. Chu Pioneer computer Engineer who was a core member of the engineering team that designed the first American Electronic computer, the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
  7. 15. Eisler: austrian inventor
  8. 16. Inventor of the first digital computer, the Atanasoff–Berry Computer (ABC). The computer was first conceived in 1937 and first tested in 1942.
  9. 19. Dean: an american inventor and an american engineer.