Computer Terms

  1. 1. computer or series of computers that link other computers together snd often store important infromation
  2. 6. computer program that locates information on the web
  3. 7. video camera for computers typically used to provide real time video footage
  4. 9. address of a website
  5. 10. Form of fraud where one person assume the idenntity of another person
  6. 12. Refers to the area in which a service provider offers its communication service
  7. 15. computer application that simulates a paper accounting worksheet
  8. 17. Computer sysytem that stores enormous amounts of data
  9. 19. Vast global computer network which links smaller computernetworks together
  10. 22. Electronic mail sent between computer networks
  11. 24. type of malware that unknowingly collects inforomation from a computer
  1. 1. known as short message service;is a text messaging service fro cell phones
  2. 2. type of malware that replicates itself and spreads to other computers
  3. 3. Extension of service or coverage in a wireless telecommunications system
  4. 4. A personal and sometimes unreasoned judgmentor or prejudice
  5. 5. Computer device that reads,writes, and stores digital data
  6. 8. Computer software designed to harma computer
  7. 11. Physical parts of a computer
  8. 12. Act of quoting and providing the specific source of the material
  9. 13. One present but not taking part in a situatution or event
  10. 14. Offering reason to be believed
  11. 16. Computer software that diplays advertisemnets
  12. 18. group of computer programs that give instructions to a computer so that it functions
  13. 20. highly portable computer shaped like slate or pad of paper; featuring a touch screen
  14. 21. Device or computer program used for reading electronic books
  15. 23. object or pattern that is quickly replicated and shared
  16. 24. refers to careers in science,technology,engineering,and mathematics