Computer Terms
- 1. 1024 bytes
- 4. printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer
- 6. programs and other operating information used by a computer
- 8. 1,073,741,824 bytes
- 12. interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices
- 17. Basic Input/Output System
- 18. Universal Serial Bus, used to store data
- 19. Display Device of a Computer
- 21. physical components of a computer
- 2. Basic unit of memory size
- 3. rigid nonremovable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity
- 5. software that supports a computer's basic functions
- 7. When information leaves a system
- 9. Controls the pointer and allows you to send commands to the computer
- 10. printed circuit board controlling output to a display screen
- 11. When information enters a system
- 13. Read Only Memory
- 14. Supplies power from an outlet to the computer
- 15. flexible removable magnetic disk, used for storing data
- 16. Panel of buttons used to operate a computer
- 20. Random Access Memory