Computer Viruses - Jane Toohil

  1. 1. software that is intended to damage or disable computers
  2. 3. a type of virus that floods a network
  3. 5. a virus in which if anyone attempts to view an infected sector, the virus will replace it with a clean copy of the sector, so it goes undetected
  4. 6. the act of a computer virus attaching itself to another computer program
  5. 7. Unwanted computer software installed on your computer
  6. 10. A technique intruders use to make their network or internet transmission appear legitimate
  7. 11. a security system consisting of a combination of hardware and software that limits the exposure of a computer or computer network to attack from crackers
  8. 13. a type of virus named after a greek myth
  9. 14. a type of virus that replicates itself
  1. 2. a software you can download to repel a virus
  2. 4. programs and operating information used by a computer
  3. 6. first email virus
  4. 8. a type of software that locates and saves data from users without them knowing
  5. 9. a computer worm that copies itself to another computer then deletes itself from the previous computer
  6. 12. a type of virus that spreads through mail programs